Sep 28, 2009

ApHogee for Damaged Hair

This protein rich liquid is like a miracle for dry, hay like crispy hair. I loved the way it made my hair look so much more full after JUST ONE USE. It actually did seem like my hair was stronger, after the first use. It is easy to use, and doesn't take hours until it is done..more like 20 minutes (depending on how long it takes you to apply the product as well). I am not an expert, and I used it with ease. The directions are direct and easy to read. ApHogee Two Step Protein Treatment restores and mends dull, lifeless hair. It improves the texture and tone of severely damaged hair.

Step 1 puts protein back into the hair and bonds the cuticle, repairing it from the inside out, and protects it against future damage.

Step 2 infuses moisture into the hair. It is also great to use just before you color to get a more desirable, even color effect.

Pros: Hair is stronger, and conditions nails at the same time, if you use it with out gloves.

Cons: liquid can drip on clothing, due to its thin state out of the bottle. I suggest you use it with your head held over the bathtub. In addition, it has a very Strong smell, that may be undesirable (I use it anyway because I want strong, and beautiful hair).